DUKE, also known as 公爵 (デューク), was a short-lived game company best known for their contribution to the Denpa genre. Despite only releasing one game, and promotional material for an upcoming second game, they still managed to garner a small but passionate fanbase.
If you have any additional information or require further details about DUKE and their releases, feel free to contact us through our contact form or join our Discord group.
Please note that we do not own physical copies of any of DUKE’s releases due to their high value on the second-hand market. However, we can provide the assets we have collected and assist in finding new ones.

“ジサツのための101方法” (“101 Ways to Kill Yourself”) was the first and only visual novel released by DUKE. The game tells a disturbing story of a man caught between delusion and reality and is credited as one of the “Big Three Denpa” games. The term “Denpa” refers to the Japanese word for “electromagnetic wave” and represents a genre of fiction that explores the theme of losing one’s connection to reality.
The game was likely released only once, on November 5th, 2001. Later, a patch for the game was also released. Today, copies of the game are almost prohibitively expensive, often costing hundreds of dollars. Thanks to Combo, we are able to provide both a rip of the game disc and the patch, which you can find below. Moreover, a soundtrack CD containing soundtrack for this game is also provided under the next section.
We are also working on creating an eien port of the game. For more details, please visit the project page.
~Lyrical pop World’s end~
“末期、少女病 ~Lyrical pop World’s end~” (“Terminal Maiden’s sickness”) was intended to be Duke’s second release, but the project was indefinitely delayed. After Duke disbanded, Blasterhead acquired the script and rights in 2013, and they continue to hold the rights to this day. Despite the long hiatus, there are still fans holding out hope for the game’s eventual release.
Although the game was never completed, some assets and the soundtrack exist. We’ve managed to collect several of these assets, which are available for download below. For those interested in learning more or exploring the material, we recommend visiting the blogs linked: here (English), here (Japanese), and here (Chinese). The first and third blogs provided most of the files we have collected. The soundtrack for this game and the aforementioned game, kindly provided by Combo, can also be found in the download section below.

Final Notes
On this page, we have made an effort to archive both DUKE’s first and only visual novel, along with information about their second project, which never came to fruition. We have also provided documentation and additional assets where possible. If you need assistance with the files, want to request new scans or rips, or have suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our contact form or on Discord.
Several other individuals have also contributed to archiving DUKE’s assets, and their work has been invaluable to this page. These sources, which we have mentioned earlier, include Fujifruit’s blog post, “The original Shoujobyou and the hunt for the artist,” and Satone’s post “一些末期少女病的信息.”
We would like to thank all DUKE members for creating the media archived above: 山田 おろち, 貴森 裕友, THE わいせつ, 佐藤 ひろ美, 吉沢 務, 永山 皇子, Dynamiteあさぷ, 藤崎 豊, ハイター神風, 浜松 克樹, ラヴチェイサー東郷, 松本 ウルフ, 松下 紺之助, 翁 羲, PON, しおし おたか. A few of these names are still active in the industry today. We suggest you try looking up some of their names and supporting their new projects!
For information on the current project regarding ジサツのための101方法, please check the project page found here.