
“ジサツのための101方法,” (“101 Ways to Kill yourself”) was the first and only visual novel released by DUKE. It also marks the first project at eien involving a commercial title from a non-doujin group, and is currently in active development. Despite the rarity and high cost of DUKE’s games and assets today, we have made every effort to source and provide high-quality rips and materials—though the prohibitive prices have prevented any of us from acquiring physical copies.

This page offers a more detailed description of the project, along with relevant downloads. For a summarized overview and download section, please visit our DUKE archival page.

Releases and Description

To the best of our knowledge, “ジサツのための101方法” (“101 Ways to Kill Yourself”) had only one release, which came out on November 5th, 2001. A version 1.01 patch was later made available, likely distributed on their now-defunct website: www.lnp.co.jp/duke/.

The game centers around the mentally disturbed Takuji Torabishi and the equally, if not more, twisted individuals surrounding him. It challenges players to question which world represents delusion and which represents reality—or whether there is even a difference between the two. As the title suggests, the game is intended for mature audiences and is known for its extensive sexual and disturbing content. Please keep this in mind before playing.

Rips, Assets, and eien Editions

At eien, we do not possess any physical assets from DUKE. However, Combo has successfully sourced high-quality rips of both the game and the soundtrack CD, which also includes tracks from the second game DUKE was developing. An eien edition of this game is currently in the works. Unfortunately, due to the high cost associated with any of DUKE’s releases, it is unlikely that any of our members will attempt to acquire a physical copy of the game.

Archival, Porting, and Localization effort

As previously mentioned, we do not possess physical copies of the game. However, we have worked hard to archive the highest quality rips we could find.

We are currently developing a port of the game. Thanks to TotSamiyMisha, we successfully extracted the game’s files. Building on that, Kotomi created an executable that allows us to both extract and repack the game files, which you can download below. Additionally, we have provided TotSamiyMisha’s original Python script for those interested in learning how to decrypt the files themselves.

The main challenge now is deciphering the bytecode within the game files. Ciox is gradually making progress in understanding the bytecode patterns, and you can follow his work on GitHub here. If you’d like to keep up with the development or assist, feel free to join us on Discord or reach out via the contact form. eien is a community-driven collaboration, open to anyone, and all our progress and tools are public.


The game itself was created by the following people: 山田 おろち, 貴森 裕友, THE わいせつ, 佐藤 ひろ美, 吉沢 務, 永山 皇子, Dynamiteあさぷ, 藤崎 豊, ハイター神風, 浜松 克樹, ラヴチェイサー東郷, 松本 ウルフ, 松下 紺之助, 翁 羲, PON, しおし おたか.

The eien port is currently being developed thanks to the efforts of TotSamiyMisha, Kotomi, and Ciox. However, we welcome anyone interested in contributing. Feel free to join our Discord or reach out via the contact form. We are open to anyone willing to help, and we are committed to sharing our progress with the community.